Welcome to Knowledge Translation Canada Knowledge Translation Canada is a network of Canadian experts in knowledge translation joining forces to tackle the greatest challenge in health care today: the fact that although there is a great deal of health research being conducted, there is a gap in applying the results at the patient's bedside and in every day health decisions. The overarching goals of the Network are:
Please continue reading to learn about our centres and collaborators, funding, committees and governance structure. Workshop Exploring the Theoretical Domains Framework in Behaviour Change Research KT Canada helped sponsor a workshop on the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) in early December 2012. Experts on the development and use of the TDF presenting at this workshop included: Dr. Susan Michie, Dr. Jill Francis, Dr. Denise O'Connor, Dr. Simon French, and Dr. Jeremy Grimshaw. The very successful workshop was held in Ottawa, ON, Canada and was attended by a diverse group of trainees, research coordinators, and investigators interested in learning more using the TDF framework to develop and implement interventions aimed at changing behaviours. Repository of Canadian Knowledge Translation projects Knowledge Translation Canada has developed a Knowledge Translation (KT) research project registry. The intent for the database is to provide KT researchers and trainees with a "one-stop shop" regarding the variety of current and upcoming Canadian-based KT research. Information provided by KT research project registry could be useful in facilitating new collaborations amongst different researchers; lead to the expansion of single centre projects into multi-centre projects; and potentially minimize the number of projects conducted on similar topics. The KT registry contains over 900 listings of CIHR-funded Knowledge Translation-related projects from 1999 to 2011. KT project listings are diverse and cross a variety of disciplines, but fall within the overarching parameters of KT Canada's 4 interlinked research programs: Knowledge distillation, Determinants of knowledge use, Selecting, tailoring and evaluating effectiveness and efficiency of KT interventions, and Sustaining KT, which are directly aligned with the Knowledge-to-Action Loop (Graham et al, 2006). The KT Canada team intends to expand the listing by including funded KT research from other provincial funding bodies in the very near future. We also encourage KT researchers across the country to help us keep the registry up-to-date by submitting their own KT project information directly to us, Vanessa Lybanon-Daigle at vlybanondaigle@ohri.ca. | ||